Discover Caledonia County’s Sweetest Maple Producers
The Caledonia Maple Association is proud to showcase the dedicated maple makers who bring the tradition of pure Vermont maple syrup to life. Our members are passionate artisans committed to quality, sustainability, and preserving the rich heritage of maple sugaring.
Interested in joining our community? Becoming a member connects you with a network of skilled producers, industry resources, and exclusive opportunities to grow your craft. Become a member today to become part of Vermont’s thriving maple tradition!
Caledonia Maple Association Featured Member
Gadapee Family Sugarhouse LLC
Brothers Keith and Kevin Gadapee have owned and operated their family business, Gadapee Family Sugarhouse LLC, since 1991. The sugarhouse is tucked away on a back country road in Danville, Vermont, a place the Gadapee’s have called home for generations.
We are part of the Northeast Kingdom and making maple syrup and maple products is a way of life for us. What began as a hobby, tapping just a few hundred maple trees in our backyard, soon turned into a passion for us. We now use modern technology including pipeline and vacuum systems to collect sap from 6000 trees.
Vermont holds name recognition and quality reputation for its most famous agricultural product. It’s also the top producer of pure maple syrup in the country by quantity. Here at Gadapee Family Sugarhouse, we are proud to uphold this high reputation as we strive to produce the best-tasting maple syrup and maple products for consumers.
We hope to offer our great tasting maple products for generations to come and are committed to fair prices for all of our customers.
Owners Keith & Kevin Gadapee
Member Name: Hugh and Annetta Schultz
Address: 1914 Wheelock Road Sutton, Vermont, 05867
Phone: 802-467-3236
Email: hschultz@schultzlures.com
Member Name: Erik Waring
Address: 273 Back of the Moon Rd
Kirby, Vermont, 05832
Phone: 802-535-5865
Email: erikwaring@gmail.com
Member Name: Bruce and Darlene Johnson
Address: 257 Johnson Rd, St. Johnsbury, Vermont, 05819
Phone: 802-748-9410
Email: johnson257@charter.net
Member Name: John Reynolds
Address: 71 Reynolds Rd, Stannard, Vermont, 05836
Phone: 802-533-7789
Email: stannardfarmvt@gmail.com
Member Name: Mario Fradette
Address: 307 Arsene Ave, Hardwick, Vermont, 05843
Phone: 802-793-4764
Email: mjfradette@comcast.net
Member Name: Ruth and Glen Goodrich
Address: 2427 US Rt. 2, Cabot, Vermont, 05647
Phone: 802-426-3388
Email: goodrichsmaple@yahoo.com
Member Name: Shawn and Deb Messier
Address: 292 Messier Rd, East Hardwick, Vermont, 05836
Phone: 802-535-6373
Email: messier4@aol.com
Member Name: Kevin and Keith Gadapee
Address: 718 Calkins Camp Rd, Danville, Vermont, 05828
Phone: 802-274-0190
Email: gadapeefamilymaple@gmail.com
Member Name: William and Koren Warden
Address: 802 Warden Rd, Barnet, Vermont, 05821
Phone: 802-633-4959
Email: kww802@yahoo.com
Member Name: Roger, Jim and Andy Wood / Kevin Matte
Address: 1489 Brook Rd, Concord, Vermont, 05824
Phone: 802-695-8818 / 802-535-5585 / 802-535-6026
Email: rjwood213@myfairpoint.net
Member Name: Jeff Goodwin
Address: 1007 Mooney Rd, St. Johnsbury, Vermont, 05819
Phone: 802-535-9015
Email: wrightfamily3065@yahoo.com
Member Name: Maple Grove Farms of Vermont
Address: 1052 Portland St, St. Johnsbury, Vermont, 05819
Phone: 802-748-5141 ext 5573
Email: Jasonm@bgfoods.com
Member Name: Charles Palmer
Address: 1 Oneida Rd, Danville, Vermont, 05828
Phone: 802-684-3668
Email: bigbuckmaple@gmail.com
Member Name: Danielle Gillespie
Address: 688 Cotton Rd, Lyndonville, Vermont, 05851
Phone: 802-626-8620
Email: dang2000@charter.net
Member Name: Sherm Bogie
Address: 150 Whithill Rd, East Ryegate, Vermont, 05042
Phone: 802-433-4104
Email: 123sbogie@gmail.com
Member Name: Ben and Kim Bangs
Address: 206 Maple Ridge Rd, Newark, Vermont, 05871
Phone: 802-467-8756
Member Name: David Roth and Chris Chabca
Address: PO Box 4233, St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819
Phone: 310-384-2994
Email: dmr@caryandmain.com
Member Name: Kellon Menucci
Address: 67 Clark Place, East Hardwick, Vermont, 05836
Phone: 802-563-3591
Email: vttrailspaces@gmail.com